Monday, February 2, 2009

Childhood Fear

On this week's IFC News Podcast, Matt and Allison discussed movies targeted towards children that are actually very frightening and also other things that scared them as children. It got me thinking about what I saw when I was young that freaked me out. It was this music video:

Around 1998, I was probably 8 years old and a latchkey kid. I would come home from school to an empty house and watch music videos. I loved MTV back then. They played Eagle Eye Cherry (anyone remember him?) and Green Day and (since I lived in Europe) lots of Aqua. Sometimes however, they would play the Massive Attack "Teardrop" music video. At the time, I didn't know what the song was because I was to frightened to watch the video. The plastic baby singing in the womb and the fluids surrounding it and the close ups of its eyes and small moving mouth. Ahhhhh! It scared me so much. Watching it now, it's totally harmless, but it was emotionally scarring for me at the age of 8.

Interestingly, only a few months ago did I find out that it was the music video for "Teardrop." The House theme song? A song I actually really enjoy and was even my ringtone for a while? Wow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

omg, i am still frightened by this at age 18.

wtf! i've NEVER seen this before actually but omg i do NOT like seeing swimming fetus's - it reminds me of this creepy movie i saw with ethan about demon babies...