Thursday, November 6, 2008

Inauguration Challenge

Jezebel published an article today about The Daily Beast challenge to Project Runway designers. They each had to craft a dress for the First Lady to wear on Inauguration Day using these materials: "Laura Bush’s 2005 Inaugural Ball dress, an American flag, burlap potato sacks and $10 worth of trims of their choice." At the time of the challenge they didn't know that Michelle Obama would be the First Lady to wear their design.

My favorite would definitely be Leanne Marshall's (Season 5 winner) dress.

It's classy and elegant, it reminds me of classic Americana. It recalls the early 60's and would be suiting for Ms. Obama, after all she's the closest will come to another Jackie O.

Check out all the rest and tell which is your favorite.


Anonymous said...

I think Alison Kelly's is my favorite, but it wouldn't look too great on mrs. obama. Chris Marsh's design makes me laugh :] but again, not suiting.

Perhaps Austin Scarlett would be the best for her to wear, because really there is no way you couldn't look glamorous in one of his FABRIC-IS-SEX type creations. :]

<33 mermaid

Maria said...

Yeah, I like Austen's. I also think that she could totally rock that Kimono from Kara's collection. I think that Cindy McCain should wear Rami's design. It would be hilarious.

Annie Spandex said...

For sure! Plus it was the only one that wasn't a joke! I think a few of them took the assignment a little too literally. No one wants to see the first lady in a flag dress!

Anonymous said...

That is the url for an interview with the woman behind the costumes of Madmen. Thought you'd be interested because you <3 the show.

Anonymous said...

I cried when I watched this video.