Saturday, November 22, 2008

Daily Hate

I'm sick of hearing about Twilight. This book is the bane of being a high school aged female in 2008. The movie adaptation was released yesterday and all of these annoying giddy girls in my English class saw it at midnight on Thursday night and gushed about it all through class. Then I came home and, of course, all of my favorite movie critics had reviewed it and hated it. They all did realize though that it doesn't matter what they have to say since fangirls will think this is the OMG BEST MOVIE EVER MADE. Here are the reasons I will never see or read the Twilight series:

1. It's a huge metaphor for conservative values -
There is a protagonist named Bella and a vampire named Edward. He really wants to drink her blood or something and so he can't get close to her because the temptation is just too much, and in the heat of the moment, it's really hard to stop. Teenage abstinence? Check. Then I read that in a later book, after the couple has married, Bella is carrying a demon child but won't abort and will probably die giving birth. Anti-abortion? Check. I guess the conservative crowd has started pushing it on girls at a young age. I would be a very disappointed mother if this is what my kids were reading.

2. The fans are psychotic - The guy who plays the vampire in this movie did some mall appearance or something and teenage girls with bleeding scratches on their neck would come up to him and say "Look, I did this for you." Oh, and there's this video.

3. It's just fucking ridiculous and gives girls the wrong idea about what love actually is causing many males and females of my generation to live in unhappy marriages.


Anonymous said...

God, don't you know it's like, every girl's FANTASY to have some 100-year old vampire stalk them, impregnate them with demon-babies, and you know, ostracize them from their friends and family. All they need is his love...for eternity!!

....arrrgghh....gag me! I'm totally with you on this one. Twilight fans make a Star Trek convention seem fun.

Anonymous said...

Okay if he is so desperate to drink her blood, why doesn't he just suck out her period blood? she doesn't want it anyways.

and that video of the fat british girl, i'm so excited that exists. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D <33


Anonymous said...

Okay, as much as I personally don't like Twilight, the comments on that girl's video are totally sexist, fatophobic, and in general hateful. YouTubers really disgust me.

That said, I read Twilight a summer ago and it was a total piece of shit for all the reasons you listed. There's also the fact that Bella is supposed to be some sort of intelligent, insightful, incredibly mature girl who feels isolated (yet ends up being trailed by tons of guys and makes plenty of friends and never does anything particularly clever at all).

Mermaid--LMFAO! FUCKING AWESOME! PS I've started visiting a new blog by a girl named Cecilia and she calls her period "moon time." Is that totally sweet or what?

Anonymous said...

what video on youtube? i feel so out of the Twilight loop... haha

Anonymous said...

oh duh! nevermind :)

Anonymous said...

lol dollface :)

Liv Bambola said...

I've linked one of my posts to your blog, I found you through Mermaid :) Hope you don't mind x

Heidi Garvin said...

the author of Twilight is LDS and whether it was her intention or not, I think it could be argued that Twilight is an allegory for Mormonism.

Marcy said...

I tried reading Twilight and I couldn't get through it. I saw the movie and it was completely ridiculous...yet mildly entertaining for all the wrong reasons.

In defense of the contents in Meyer's fourth book where Bella has a child in her that's totally sucking her blood and possibly killing her, I think what Meyer was trying to convey is that abortions are emotionally difficult. Yeah, it may be conservative propaganda, but Meyer has a point: Abortions don't come easy.

What bothers me is that Twilight is based on a novel written by a female writer, a film directed by a female director, and also starred a female actor but it contains one of the most uninteresting, weak female character ever created.