Saturday, November 22, 2008

Daily Hate

I'm sick of hearing about Twilight. This book is the bane of being a high school aged female in 2008. The movie adaptation was released yesterday and all of these annoying giddy girls in my English class saw it at midnight on Thursday night and gushed about it all through class. Then I came home and, of course, all of my favorite movie critics had reviewed it and hated it. They all did realize though that it doesn't matter what they have to say since fangirls will think this is the OMG BEST MOVIE EVER MADE. Here are the reasons I will never see or read the Twilight series:

1. It's a huge metaphor for conservative values -
There is a protagonist named Bella and a vampire named Edward. He really wants to drink her blood or something and so he can't get close to her because the temptation is just too much, and in the heat of the moment, it's really hard to stop. Teenage abstinence? Check. Then I read that in a later book, after the couple has married, Bella is carrying a demon child but won't abort and will probably die giving birth. Anti-abortion? Check. I guess the conservative crowd has started pushing it on girls at a young age. I would be a very disappointed mother if this is what my kids were reading.

2. The fans are psychotic - The guy who plays the vampire in this movie did some mall appearance or something and teenage girls with bleeding scratches on their neck would come up to him and say "Look, I did this for you." Oh, and there's this video.

3. It's just fucking ridiculous and gives girls the wrong idea about what love actually is causing many males and females of my generation to live in unhappy marriages.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Inauguration Challenge

Jezebel published an article today about The Daily Beast challenge to Project Runway designers. They each had to craft a dress for the First Lady to wear on Inauguration Day using these materials: "Laura Bush’s 2005 Inaugural Ball dress, an American flag, burlap potato sacks and $10 worth of trims of their choice." At the time of the challenge they didn't know that Michelle Obama would be the First Lady to wear their design.

My favorite would definitely be Leanne Marshall's (Season 5 winner) dress.

It's classy and elegant, it reminds me of classic Americana. It recalls the early 60's and would be suiting for Ms. Obama, after all she's the closest will come to another Jackie O.

Check out all the rest and tell which is your favorite.

Thursday Meme

My girlfriend tagged me to do a meme ages go and I finally got around to it.

1. Were you named after anyone? My paternal grandmother.

2. Do you still have your tonsils? I do. They have yet to give me problems.

3. Would you bungee jump? Never. I don't like heights.

4. What is your favorite cereal? Anything with low sugar and cinnamon flavor. I'm not a huge cereal fan.

5. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Nope. I usually wear my converse that are well worn in that untying isn't necessary.

6. What is your favorite ice cream? Vanilla bean.

7. What is the first thing you notice about people? Their face and hair, I think.

8. What is your least favorite thing about yourself? I can't communicate effectively.

9. What was the last thing you ate? A blackberry cereal bar and a glass of milk.

10. What are you listening to right now? Bob Dylan - Tangled up in Blue

11. Last movie you watched? Hamlet. I had to see it for school. It was boring.

12. What did you dream about last night? I didn't have any dreams that I remember.

13. What book are you reading? I'm reading Hamlet for school and Swann's Way by Proust for myself.

14. Summer or winter? Winter.

15. Do you have any special talents? I retain useless information like no other.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Prop K

In other news, California voters yesterday also voted on Prop K. If passed, Prop K will stop police enforcement of laws against prostitution and put an end on anti-prostitution programs.. Prostitution is already marginally legally in other parts of America, for instance in Rhode Island it is legal as long as done indoors and in Nevada though only in counties of less than 400, 000 residents. Prostitution was bound to become mainstream and culturally accepted, it's already happened to porn. Porn stars are celebrities today. Years ago, some racy photos of Vanessa Williams cost her her Miss America crown and now Paris Hilton's sex tape does nothing to hurt her career in fact it helped her status.

I'm undecided on Prop K. I'm morally opposed to prostitution. However, Prop K will definitely be a leap towards minimizing all of the risks involved with working as a hooker. It's time these men and women at least have some sort of safety.

Unfortunately, it failed. Maybe they'll try again in 2010 with Prop 8.

This Presidential Election

I voted for the first time yesterday. It felt nice to have officially given my support to Barack Obama. As soon as I arrived home from the polls, I turned on CNN and left it on for the next 7 or so hours. All of their numbers made me so anxious, all of the first results to arrive were slated towards McCain. Then they announced that Obama had Vermont... and later Pennsylvania and New Jersey and Illinois and Florida until he won with 349 votes, a landslide victory over Senator McCain. I went to bed happy. Then this morning I awoke to much negativity on my Facebook page. Apparently, everyone I go to school with now plans to assassinate Obama, move to Canada or find a way to make Texas secede from the US. I got plenty of it at school too. Then on my Twitter page I found out that Prop 8 had passed. It puts a huge damper on any of my high spirits. What's going to happen now? What will all of these gay couples that wed in California do? From what I've read, they will all have to hire lawyers to decide if the marriage will still be legal and what will be done. I can't believe that it's so easy to just give a group of people a right and take it away. Oh wait, but gay marriage isn't a right after all, huh, it's just a privilege and a privilege can always be taken away. I read that almost 80% of all the money going to support for Prop 8 was coming Utah and the Mormon community. Do they not have anything better to do than support discrimination against people based on who they date? I don't feel happy about the election much anymore. I'm stoked that Obama is president, it shows that people have started using their brains but then I think of all the gay couples who were married in California and it kills me to know that they now have to live with the uncertainty of their future. I hope that soon we'll see real change.