Wednesday, November 5, 2008

This Presidential Election

I voted for the first time yesterday. It felt nice to have officially given my support to Barack Obama. As soon as I arrived home from the polls, I turned on CNN and left it on for the next 7 or so hours. All of their numbers made me so anxious, all of the first results to arrive were slated towards McCain. Then they announced that Obama had Vermont... and later Pennsylvania and New Jersey and Illinois and Florida until he won with 349 votes, a landslide victory over Senator McCain. I went to bed happy. Then this morning I awoke to much negativity on my Facebook page. Apparently, everyone I go to school with now plans to assassinate Obama, move to Canada or find a way to make Texas secede from the US. I got plenty of it at school too. Then on my Twitter page I found out that Prop 8 had passed. It puts a huge damper on any of my high spirits. What's going to happen now? What will all of these gay couples that wed in California do? From what I've read, they will all have to hire lawyers to decide if the marriage will still be legal and what will be done. I can't believe that it's so easy to just give a group of people a right and take it away. Oh wait, but gay marriage isn't a right after all, huh, it's just a privilege and a privilege can always be taken away. I read that almost 80% of all the money going to support for Prop 8 was coming Utah and the Mormon community. Do they not have anything better to do than support discrimination against people based on who they date? I don't feel happy about the election much anymore. I'm stoked that Obama is president, it shows that people have started using their brains but then I think of all the gay couples who were married in California and it kills me to know that they now have to live with the uncertainty of their future. I hope that soon we'll see real change.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my darling i quoted you on my page. you basically said it better than i ever could.

it's inspiring to see you solid with passion - such a deep and personal issue for us both.

i will always love you.